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    Bulk Whatsapp Message Sender

    EiBS > Bulk Whatsapp Message Sender
    Zeus Business Messenger

    Business Portal For Bulk Whatsapp Message Sender

    Zeus Business Messenger is a software designed to send bulk Whatsapp messages directly from PC in a simple and effective way

    Call Us: +91 9894444710, 8220011465

    Features of WhatsApp Sender
    Turbo Mode

    Drop fast & secure messages, reduced delay between messages.

    Multi Account

    Parallel Channels - Complete solution for all your simultaneous works.

    Unlimited Messages

    Send Customized Message that Supports Multi-multimedia (Photos, Videos, and Documents).

    Anti-Block Module

    Reduces the chance of getting blocked and keeps WhatsApp account more secured.

    Numbers Generator

    Whatsapp number generator along with Whatsapp Groups Contacts Grabber & Filter.

    Flawless Handling

    Smooth and mushy messaging with Sleep Control after X amounts of messages.

    What’s a Zeus WhatsApp Sender?

    An ultimate WhatsApp Messaging solution with wide range of options and services.

    It gives you more flexible as well as wonderful user experience on all your Campaigns through sending messages.

    It is all in one solution that allows users to send WhatsApp Campaigns in a very simple way as well as provide tools to filter & verify WhatsApp numbers, grab WhatsApp contact from WhatsApp groups.

    How does WhatsApp Sender work?

    Zeus Whatsapp Sender is designed to generate and send bulk messages through whatsapp.

    Whether you’re a business with small list or corporate sending lakhs of messages Whatsapp sender is for you.

    Messages including multimedia (Images, Documents, Gif and videos) can be forwarded.

    Reliable messaging infrastructure for all your business communication.

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