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    Features of Ecommerce – Top 8 Essential Ecommerce Dvelopment

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    Features of Ecommerce

    Features of Ecommerce – Top 8 Essential Ecommerce Dvelopment

    Features of Ecommerce: The success of an Ecommerce Features does not depend on the quality of products. But, there are particular elements and factors that every ecommerce website development company should have to stay competitive and make the user-friendly website for the customers and also easily manageable for the owners.


    Features of Ecommerce


    Easy Navigation


    As a matter of fact, Navigation is the major role in Ecommerce Website Development Services. This option is utilizing to ensure easy access to the various sections of your online website. Therefore, they should be simple, self-explanatory in nature, to the point, and in the right position. Ecommerce website designs that are easy to navigate are more likely to be visited by visitors than those without it.




    A strong and clear CTA is crucially needed if your website wants to generate more business. Visitors have known your products from the catalog, information, images, videos and blogs in your site. Now, they will be seeking an option to take an action you want them to do. Therefore, make the CTA very clear so that the visitors will feel ease to do their job.


    Product Search and Filtering


    Product search and filtering are a must-have for an Features of Ecommerce website because it allows customers to determine the products of their wish with simple and fast. According to studies, it shows that 75% of customers say that the most vital characteristic of any website is ease of use. Therefore, the filter option is utilizng to help shoppers narrow down exactly what it is they are looking for.


    Shopping Cart and Login Box


    A shopping cart is a necessity in every ecommerce website ui ux design because without it visitors can’t save and check out items they want to buy. Almost, it is impossible to imagine a store without a shopping cart function. Hence, the shopping cart must be easy-to-use so that visitors will not get confuse. As well as, create an account option that will allow your visitors to sign up with their login and password whenever they visit the online store without entering their information again and again. Moreover, you will gather their contact information, particularly their mail address and use them for marketing.




    Ensure your ecommerce site is mobile friendly. Because the desktops have been replacing by mobiles and 80% of internet users have a smartphone and 50% of customers do mobile research with a search engine. ecommerce development company seems impossible, nowadays, to even exist in the online market without a responsive design. Furthermore, research finds that by 2018, over a third of the world population is projected to own a smartphone.


    Shipping Details


    Free shipping is the most popular feature. Research shows that shoppers spend 30% more per order when free shipping is included. This proves how important is including shipping information in your eCommerce Features. It is useful to include delivery time and options for faster delivery. Since you are now selling to the global audience, not just to the local market, you can take the shipping costs into account.




    Security is the most important feature as it improves that no important data such as credit card information is save. As well as, for all prepaid shipments the checkout is carried out via a secure payment gateway. The passwords are hash and not store in a readable format. All web pages should be protected using SSL. The servers are secure and protect using the art services, website development company, Digital Marketing Strategies.


    Integrating Logistics


    Integrating logistics services just not seamless shipping but also ensures that the merchant. Furthermore, the consumer get real time courier updates with order tracking capability. Moreover, this allows the user to manage shipments from the same panel instead of approaching the courier partners separately.

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